My daughter, Blaire Ludeke, was diagnosed with a chondroblastoma when she was ten. Through a series of incredibly fortunate events in an unfortunate time, Chappie was able to remove her tumor on her 11th birthday. We are eternally thankful that Chappie was on our team.

For the next three years her journey was painful, unknown, and complicated. Long story short, her tumor ended up causing a leg length discrepancy. Chappie held our hand throughout the journey and was a constant source of expertise and support. Even when we sought treatment in Florida at the Paley Institute, Chappie would call and check in on
My daughter is currently thriving. After eights surgeries, she is doing better than we ever imagined.
Aside from her physical health, mentally her experiences had a positive effect on Blaire. She aspires to be an orthopedic surgeon (potentially orthopedic oncology) to help children like her one day. Chappie unintentionally mentored her at every appointment.
Chappie is our forever hero.