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Christy's Story

Updated: Aug 20, 2021

Welcome Dragonslayers! We are the BAT4Christy Team (which means bad ass team 4 Christy) and we are here with a most courageous, indomitable and beautiful Dragonslayer. She is my sister in law Christy Schilke Pryon and she was diagnosed 2.5 years ago with Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma. What we thought should be a benign brain tumor turned into Stage 4, terminal Sarcoma that started in Christy’s thigh and traveled to her lungs and brain.

I can tell you that Christy has been living life to the fullest ever since! She has not let this disease control her or define her. Her life is larger and fuller than ever before. In the last 2 and half years we have had the privilege to watch her marry the man of her dreams and become step mom to 2 beautiful boys (my new nephews). She has centered her focus on her health and living a vibrant life with cancer by eating healthier, exercising and staying strong to Slay the Dragon. She has never given up hope for a long and bright future! And her family and friends share that hope that she will be with us for a long, long time.

When she came to Seattle to meet with a Sarcoma Specialist he was shocked to see such a healthy individual walk thru his door after reviewing her file prior to their initial meeting. The prognosis was not good. But look at Christy today! She has beat the odds and in turn has given more than she knows her to family and friends.

We appreciate her honesty, her strength, her positivity and never give up attitude! She has been a role model to her nieces and nephews thru her self-confidence and self-love. She has become their warrior hero. She also is her own hero while continuing her journey to the win this battle against ASPS.

We are so blessed to have her in our family! She is living evidence that the mind and body are powerful things and that Sarcoma is not winning this battle. She teaches us daily to live full out, to appreciate the little things and to not let discouraging words distract her from her goals, dreams and ambitions! We love you Christy and you are never alone in this fight!

Christy is here today hoping to inspire others and to help the NW Sarcoma Foundation in their efforts to fund continued research and support those with financial needs so they too can continue their own fight. Christy has been fortunate to receive her treatment in her great home town of Missoula, MT. However, she recognizes that others are not so lucky and are required to travel long distances in their battle against Sarcoma. We are here to help her advocate and support those who have a need far beyond her own.

I am most proud of Christy by the way she pulls strength from her enormous village. She doesn’t hesitate to share the joys in her life and she reaches out to us when she needs extra support during the challenging times. She is very transparent and her village gives back all the love and prayers we can. Do you have a village of warriors helping you Slay your Dragon? Your friends, family and all of us here today want nothing more than to lift you up and help you win!

Christy, I had help from your family while writing this tribute and I want you to hear these additional words your family provided me but I wasn’t clever enough to weave them in. You are thoughtful and care deeply for others. You are a fighter. You are strong, dedicated and tenacious. You are unmesswithable: Which by definition means that you are truly at peace and in touch with yourself, and nothing anyone says or does bothers you, and no negativity or drama can touch you. You are there for others regardless of your own struggles. You are good at seeing the best in others and bringing out the best in those around you. You are bold, resilient, positive, a lady and a leader. You are a warrior. Thank you for being you and Now lets go Kick Cancer in the Hiney!

Laura Schilke

Team Captain - BAT4Christy

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